
The project of the Roscongress Foundation, SPN Communications and IMA-Press won the Grand Prix at the Silver Archer Award

2024-04-05 16:02
On April 4, 2024, the Silver Archer national communications award ceremony took place. All three of the agency's projects were among the three finalists of the award, and the project of the Roscongress Foundation, SPN Communications and IMA-Press "Promotion of the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum" took the Grand Prix of the competition, receiving the highest scores from the jury members.

Experts noted the uniqueness and scale of the project, as well as the active complex work, which involved almost all possible promotion tools. The main mission of the project was to strengthen the image of Russia and to create an up-to-date image of African countries among the Russian audience. Within the framework of the project, five announcing events were held and a press tour to the Forum was organized for journalists from 27 African countries.

In addition, two other projects announced by the agency, "Like Everything" and "SPIEF goes to new countries: communication support for the forum in 2023 in India, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Oman", were also included in the list of finalists for the award and were able to compete for first place with other laureates in several categories at once.

We would like to express our gratitude to the expert council for their high marks and to our clients for their trust!